Eternal Tour 2012 Sao Paulo


”For some years Anna Kindgren and Carina Gunnars developed field research
on urbanism in two cities: Stockholm and São Paulo. The result is a trilingual
publication (Swedish, Portuguese, English) that appeared in May 2011, which
sets up a parallel between a sociological and a psychoanalytical analysis of
the effects of cities on their inhabitants. The book was never presented to the
Brazilian public. It prompts a discussion on the recent changes of São Paulo’s
urban fabric, enhanced by a double perspective thanks to a comparative study
with Stockholm. Modernism and its possible evolution link these two cities in
a surprising way.” From Exhibition Catalogue Eternal Tour

Conferencia at SESC Consolaçao, Sao Paulo, August 31 st 2012

Renato Cymbalista, urbanist, Sao Paulo

André Kobashi and Eduardo Costa, architects, filmmakers and photographers

Screening of the film Demolicao by André Kobashi and Eduardo Costa

Ivaneti de Araujo, coordinator for MSTC

Sheila Souza, Brazilidade

The whole panel